Dr. Heather Finley MS, RDN
This podcast was created to help you love your gut, so it will love you back!

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“This is by far the BEST podcast
for digestive issues, and trust me,
I have listened to most of them!”
New to the “Love Your Gut” Podcast?
Ep. 54: Do you need probiotics for your GI issues?
Which probiotic do you need for your GI issues? Dr. Heather: [00:00:00] Hey, welcome to the love your gut podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Heather Finley. I know what you're thinking. How am I supposed...
Ep. 53: Favorite gut health products of 2023
Tune into this episode where Dr. Heather Finley shares her favorite gut health products. Everything you need from personal care to her favorite foods! Tune in and grab your favorites for some...
Ep 52: How to improve digestion even if your life is stressful
Do you have a stressful life and feel like your Gi issues are directly tied to your stress? If so, tune into this episode where Dr. Heather is interviewed by her colleagues Lindsay Mitchell and Cait...
Ep. 51: 3 Steps to get to the root cause of your gut issues
So you're doing all the "right" things but you're still bloated? In this episode Dr. Heather will walk you through the 3 exact steps necessary to actually finding relief from your GI issues for...
Ep. 50 The surprising cause of your persistent bloat and how to banish it
Have you ever wondered what you need to do to actually improve your bloating? In this expert interview, Dr. Heather Finley and Dr. Jacobi discuss the common causes of bloating, the remedies to...
Ep. 49 How to manage GI issues when you’re missing your period
If you are dealing with HA (hypothalamic amenorrhea) and/or disordered eating and GI issues then this episode is for you. This episode focuses on individuals dealing with the dual challenges of...

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Why Am I Bloated?
Are you curious to understand why you’re feeling bloated? Take our fun quiz to find out!