Root Cause Series #3: Stress

Root Cause Series #3: Stress

Root Cause Series #3: Stress Recently I shared a free quiz on my Instagram to help individuals identify the top underlying cause that could be contributing to their symptoms.  Would you be surprised if I told you that 67% of individuals who have taken this quiz got...
Root Cause Series #3: Stress

Root Cause Series #2: Digestive Insufficiencies

Root Cause Series #2: Digestive Insufficiencies We are kicking off week #2 of the root cause series by talking about digestive insufficiencies. If you missed the first week talking all about low stomach acid, click here. So, what are digestive insufficiencies?...
Root Cause Series #3: Stress

Root Cause Series: Low Stomach Acid

Root Cause Series: Low Stomach Acid A few weeks ago, I polled everyone on Instagram and asked what the biggest confusion was surrounding their digestive symptoms. The resounding answer was, “how to determine the root cause.” If you are reading this wondering...
Your Questions, Answered!

Your Questions, Answered!

Your Questions, Answered! If you follow me on Instagram, you know I like to post a question box to my stories every so often so I can directly answer whatever questions y’all have for me! I got so many great ones recently, I had to share some in a post. I cover...

Why are you bloated?