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Dr. Heather Finley
Dr. Heather Finley: [00:00:00]
Welcome to the Love Your Gut Podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Heather Finley, registered dietitian and gut health specialist. I understand the frustration of dealing with GI issues because I’ve been there and I spent over two decades searching for answers for my own gut issues of constipation, bloating, and stomach pain.
I’ve dedicated my life to understanding and solving my own gut issues. And now I’m here to guide you. On this podcast, I’ll help you identify the true root causes of your discomfort. So you can finally ditch your symptoms for good. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need so that you can love your gut and it will love you right back.
So if you’re ready to learn a lot, gain a deeper understanding of your gut and find lasting relief. You are in the right place.
Welcome to the love your gut podcast.
Hello, and welcome back to the next episode of the love your gut podcast. I am really excited for today’s episode because it’s one that I have been asked about quite a bit and it’s been highly anticipated. So I am going to go over my own hair mineral analysis results. As many of you know, I am at least at the moment of recording this, I am 39 tomorrow, I’ll be 39 weeks pregnant. So maybe by the time this is out, I’ll have a baby. But I chose to do an HTMA, a hair mineral analysis test on myself to prepare for postpartum. And so this is hopefully going to be a really interesting episode to any of you trying to conceive pregnant postpartum really any stage of life, because I’m going to talk about some of the trends that I found on the test.
And honestly, regardless of if you are planning to have a baby or pregnant or not, I think you’ll find this super interesting just to learn what types of insights you can get from this test and then how I am actually moving forward to support myself. So I want to ask you the question, have you ever felt sick? completely worn out. Like no matter what you’re doing, you just cannot get your energy back. Or maybe you’ve wondered why managing stress or blood sugar sometimes feels like an uphill battle. This was honestly my story before I found HTMA, which stands for hair mineral, her hair tissue mineral analysis.
And I want to share Why this has been such a powerful tool for me and how it might help you too. So there’s lots of questions oftentimes on what is HTMA and how is this different from blood work? So I want to break down really clearly for you. What HTMA is so HTMA is a little bit different than blood work because it’s more of a long term health snapshot hair will hold on to minerals and really just gives us a picture of how our bodies have been handling minerals over the last few months.
So it’s like checking the fuel gauge for essential minerals that keep things going. Moving in our bodies, every metabolic process in our body relies on minerals, which is super interesting. And you have to consume minerals. We cannot make minerals. So unless we’re getting them from our diet or supplementing with them, our body cannot get them.
So minerals really do tons for us. They create energy. They also actually help us manage stress. I know I talk a lot about stress on Instagram and on this podcast as well, and how stress can really be the root cause of GI issues, hormone issues, et cetera. And I know that can be a really frustrating thing to hear, but what if stress reduction wasn’t just about meditating all day long or doing an adult coloring book, which don’t get me wrong.
Those things can be helpful. What if the reason that you feel frazzled and stressed actually goes back to your mineral depletion? We have seen so many success stories with clients and I’ve actually shocked a couple of my friends with this as well. I’ll never forget this summer. I was home one weekend just putzing around the house and my phone dinged and I got a text from a friend and she said, is this mineral magic or am I making this up?
But I’ve had my period usually, you know, things are really stressful in my business right now. And usually I’d be like snapping at everything and I’m not, is this just a coincidence? And I was like, no, it’s absolutely not. Minerals give us energy. They help us manage stress. And really, if we don’t have the right balance of minerals, it’s like you’re driving on fumes.
So you’re always just running low and feeling drained. And obviously most people who have been pregnant know how challenging pregnancy can be. But it’s, you don’t even have to have gone through pregnancy or postpartum to feel depleted. Honestly, some of the most depleting times of my life were well before I had children.
They were after I spent 18 years of my life Being a competitive swimmer, and then training for triathlons, not feeling myself correctly, having digestive issues that prevented my absorption and prevented me from actually absorbing minerals, which is another piece of the puzzle. You can’t absorb minerals if your digestion is suffering.
But then the other side of the coin is we can’t even make stomach acid. Without adequate minerals. So it ends up being a catch 22, which is why we run HTMA with our clients. Pretty much every client we work with, we suggest an HTMAA, especially because we tend to work out, work with clients who are super burnout, who have tried everything.
You know, it’s really never. Someone’s first rodeo, whenever they work with us, unless they’re starting with an HTMA. So I want to just break down my personal journey with HTMA how it’s really just been a game changer for me. So when I first started testing, I was dealing with extreme fatigue and burnout.
This was coming off of a postpartum Journey with my second child. So for those of you that are maybe newer to this podcast or newer to me I have a six year old. I have an almost three year old and then like I said, I’m basically 39 weeks pregnant with my third after my second I Felt really good until I did it and Did not realize at the time that I had a baby Mold in my body and we had mold in our house.
So about four months postpartum, I hit this wall where I was like, you know, my baby is sleeping again. Why do I feel so bad? And that’s when I started going down this rabbit hole of what else could be going on? We found the mold. We obviously remediated the mold. I have a whole podcast episode on mold.
So I will link that in the show notes in case you’re interested. We’re thinking that might be the case for you. But really, HTMA helped me to just understand where my body was so depleted, likely from pregnancy and postpartum, as well as from mold and what I needed to do to feel energized again. And so I started supporting my minerals.
Based on my HTMA test after that time, I saw huge, literally huge improvements in my thyroid function. I was able to decrease my thyroid meds, which was crazy. Balance my blood sugar. I was having these crazy blood sugar swings that I’d never had before. I felt a lot more resilient to stress. And these were things that really changed my day to day life as a business owner.
As a mom, I really don’t have the capacity or the desire to be tired or to feel like I’m frazzled all the time. And so this made such a big difference for me.
And I knew how much minerals mattered. There was a time in my brick and mortar practice before I took everything fully online that I. I ran vitamin and mineral testing in a different capacity and used it with clients and saw good results.
But when I switched to HTMA, the results were even better. And this was a pivotal point in my practice when I realized, if this worked so well for me, why are we not doing this with every single client that we have? And since then, so about three years ago, We have, or two and a half years ago, we have really shifted the order of priority with our clients, where, of course, we’re known for gut health and helping people with SIBO and IBS and all sorts of GI issues, but everybody, foundationally, Needs minerals, especially after the last like collective four or five years of just stress and trauma that a lot of us have been through.
So I decided this time that I was going to take a proactive approach to postpartum. I’ve been periodically checking my minerals since that moment, four months postpartum with my son. And really working on minerals. As many of, you know, I had a miscarriage last fall. So last I guess that would be fall 2023 and my health kind of spiraled after that, it was like my body was trying to purge Everything which was a good thing, but uncomfortable at the same time, I had a miscarriage.
Then I actually got scarlet fever, which who even knew that was still a thing. Then proceeded to get strep throat three times, which I had never. I hadn’t had strep throat in probably 20 years or longer. I hadn’t even been on antibiotics in that long. And so it was just this crazy kind of six months of my body, like trying to get into balance again after the miscarriage.
So minerals were a huge piece of my healing journey there. I could probably do a whole podcast episode on that. But for brevity sake, we’ll just say that Minerals really supported me throughout that time. I did HTMA pretty shortly actually before the miscarriage and then a couple months after.
This year, 2024, I have done, I’ve done an HTMA test twice, so I did an HTMA in March 2024, and then I just did one now. I got the results back about a week ago. So when I completed the test, I was. probably 36 ish weeks pregnant. So I ran this test, like I said, I did it because I wanted to give a proactive approach as a soon to be mom of three, I knew postpartum third time around, especially with two youngish children definitely different and definitely less margin for rest, less margin for all the things that I got to do the first time around, especially, and even the second time, like things just obviously get busier, the more children you have.
I wanted to be fully prepared as I recover from birth. I want to breastfeed this child as well. And just hopefully reduce some of the postpartum hair loss that usually hits me around three to four months. I know that’s a big thing that many women experience and many women do not enjoy.
I will keep you posted on that. I’ve never intentionally done an HTMA before the hair loss starts, so we’ll see if it’s a little different this time around. Just reflecting on my pregnancy journey I, like I said, had come off of six months of just some up and down health stuff.
Stuff that really hadn’t been the case for me for a long time. But like I said, I really think that my body was just trying to like purge and prepare for a healthy pregnancy. And so even though getting scarlet fever wasn’t fun and being on antibiotics was not fun it did, I think helped set me up for success to feel better now.
The first 20 weeks of pregnancy, historically, this has been the case with all my pregnancies, are really rough. I’m really sick. My diet gets really limited. I live, my team always jokes when we see the simple meals, crackers and protein shakes, we know you’re pregnant because that’s pretty much what I live on.
For a long time when I’m a first pregnant, I’m extremely nauseous. I vomit. And so it’s really kind of survival mode for me for those first 20 weeks. This has been the case throughout every single pregnancy, like I mentioned. So I was really honestly just doing what I could, especially because I had two other children to take care of.
I’m thankful. I have a very equal and helpful husband. And doing what I could. Trying to make sure that things with the business were running correctly, obviously couldn’t just stop my whole life for 20 weeks. Made it through. I was doing probably one to two mineral mocktails a day. Like I mentioned, I had done an HTMA in March.
This was like right during the time that I got pregnant. And so typically what I would do after I get an HTMA is I would custom blend a mineral powder for myself. This is something that we do for lots of our clients. They find it extremely convenient. It also can be actually a lot more cost effective because we can replace a multivitamin.
We can replace liver support. We can replace lots of kind of adjunctive Supplements and put it into one powder that they can take one to two scoops of a day, just depending on what their doses. And I’ve done this several times. I’ve probably done two to three at this point, custom mineral powders. I find them extremely helpful.
They’re very potent and it’s just really convenient. I honestly think that you can save quite a bit of money doing this too, because when you start looking at some of the mineral products that are on the market, which Definitely love things like pickable cocktail and element and redmond relight and all those things are fun to have I know many of you love seeing the little mineral mocktails that I come up with And share on instagram, but for convenience sake the powder can be really helpful, but I just knew Based on previous pregnancies that there’s absolutely no way that I was just going to be able to tolerate something like that.
So I ended up opting not to do a custom blend and to just try to do mineral mocktails as I could. So I did lots of mineral mocktails that had higher potassium, higher sodium, which were two things that I knew that I really needed based on my tests. And supported myself that way. Also, once I was not nauseous anymore, really focused on the food side of things as well.
Like I said, the first 20 weeks I was just trying to eat what I could. So thankfully, The last 20 or I guess 19 weeks have been a lot easier. I’m able to eat a much wider variety of foods now. I really don’t have food aversions. I can actually tolerate like fresh produce and protein and meat and been able to exercise how I would like to and drink mineral mocktails and do all the things.
So I still do mineral drinks each day to keep up my energy. And now towards the end of pregnancy, I’m adding in Nora tea. So if you’re unfamiliar with Nora tea, this is nettles, oat straw, red raspberry leaf, and alfalfa. These four herbs can help get your body ready for labor. They’re also super mineral rich.
And actually nettles specifically is a. herb that we recommend a lot of times to our clients who struggle with histamine issues. If they’re having allergy symptoms, any kind of histamine breakdown issues, nettles is super rich in minerals, but also can be really supportive for that. So that’s what I’ve been doing is one to two mineral mocktails a day.
Again, higher sodium, higher potassium, definitely adding in magnesium, especially at night and the Nora tea to help get my body ready for labor as I was preparing to do this HTMA. I, HTMA really for me isn’t just a test, it really helps to help me know what my body needs. I really think it’s one of the best tools for how to support yourself through big life changes.
Such as pregnancy and postpartum, you know, if you’ve just come out of a really stressful time of your life, GI issues, hormone issues. So really if you’re looking for answers, especially with energy or stress, HTMA is really the best place to start. It’s really easy to get distracted by like really fancy.
Stool test and don’t get me wrong. I love stool testing. We use it with our clients or hormone testing or whatever it might be. But foundationally, if your minerals are out of whack, you’re not going to respond as well to some of those things. So let’s get into my own HTMA results and what they mean for health.
So When you’re looking at an HTMA test, which obviously this is a podcast, you can’t see my results, but definitely check out my Instagram over the next couple of days and my blog as well, which I’ll link in the show notes where I have some like tangible screenshots of things that you can actually see.
But there’s tons of minerals on this test. It tests all the main minerals as well as heavy metals. And what you really want to look at first is the four core minerals. So these are calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. So looking at my test, I was not surprised. Pregnancy is one of the most depleting things when it comes to minerals.
I was low in three out of four of my core minerals, even though I’ve been supporting them. And I guess the other thing that I didn’t mention is I have definitely been taking a prenatal probiotic and some other things as well. So it’s. I was getting all of that and still some of my minerals were low, which just shows how much your body needs.
So specifically for me, my sodium, potassium and magnesium were low. This really isn’t too surprising given the demands of pregnancy, but it does help explain, you know, perhaps like some of the symptoms I might have. Towards the end of pregnancy, just like feeling a little bit more tired, a little bit more worn out.
Sometimes a little bit of dizziness, etc. Nothing extreme nothing crazy. Honestly, I’m very lucky to feel as good as I do this pregnant. So sodium specifically, sodium I think the 90s made us extremely scared about sodium. But sodium isn’t just about like salt. It’s really key for energy, hydration, and how our muscles work.
And when sodium is low, you can feel super fatigued and mentally foggy. I know for me, my blood pressure tends to run on the lower side of things. So sodium is something that I definitely need to include. Obviously, this is where personalization comes in because that might not be the case for you.
So sodium is something that I really want to focus on, especially mineral rich Salt cooking with stuff like Redmond relay or Redmond Redmond real salt, sorry. Celtic salt, et cetera. It’s going to have a lot of other minerals in it as well. But sodium really helps ourselves to be hydrated. If you’ve ever drank water all day and you still feel thirsty, perhaps you need more sodium.
This is something that we see a ton with our clients. We. I actually see a lot more low sodium on HTMA testing than we do high sodium. The next one was potassium. So potassium is like your energy booster. It’s what helps you be the energizer bunny. And I can speak so specifically to this. Whenever I have a mineral mocktail that is high in potassium, especially in the afternoon, I feel like I have So much energy and it definitely works way better than like a second cup of coffee.
You might be reaching for that second cup of coffee at 2 PM, but what about potassium instead? So potassium, like I said, it’s like your little energizer bunny. It’s a muscle helper. When you feel low, you might feel weak. You might have poor digestion because potassium helps with muscle contraction.
So if you struggle to empty your bowels, potassium could be key here. Or if you just feel that constant, like running on empty feeling. Potassium is something that historically for me has been low and I’ve had to really diligently support and seeing kind of fluctuations in that. Most people do not get enough potassium and this is a trend that we see with a lot of our clients.
And then the last one was magnesium. So magnesium is the mineral that helps us relax. Low magnesium can show up as muscle tension, poor sleep, even anxiety. So having all three low sodium, potassium, and magnesium definitely explains why I need to focus on building my reserves back up because I don’t want to be tired.
I don’t want to lack energy and I don’t want to have digestion issues. I’m grateful that. Like I said, I feel decently well now. But knowing specifically how I can support my minerals is just going to help me feel even better. A positive note is my calcium levels actually improved quite a bit over pregnancy.
During pregnancy I actually tend to crave dairy a lot more than in my quote unquote normal life. I tend to crave a lot more like cheese, cottage cheese, fermented dairy, yogurt, kefir, etc. And that’s something that I have been definitely eating especially towards the end of pregnancy. So the good news is that improved this is, tells me that my body has had some success, you know, absorbing, balancing calcium, making sure that calcium is in the right place something that we often see is high calcium, and, you know, we see this sometimes even in clients who have osteopenia or osteoporosis, it’s not that they actually don’t have enough, it’s just in the wrong place.
Another thing that you can get from HTMA, which I find actually even more helpful than the minerals themselves is the ratios. There’s a lot of different ratios that you can look at on the test and they all mean something different. So I’m going to talk about three of the ratios that were a little bit off for me.
And what they mean the mineral levels you can look at but you really can’t take them at face value So just because my potassium was low or my magnesium was low or my sodium was low That’s helpful. But what you really want to look at is how are these minerals relating to each other? So minerals are like a symphony if one of them is off it affects the whole Symphony.
And so the ratios are where you can actually dive a little bit deeper into different systems of the body and how they’re functioning. So the first is the metabolic ratio, and that’s the calcium to phosphorus ratio. This isn’t looking at do you have a specific slow metabolism or do you have a fast metabolism, but it just gives insight into how your body is producing energy.
So a balanced ratio here is showing that there’s a match between your body’s fuel and our engine speed. In a lot of cases. This ratio is off a lot of times due to stress. Mine was off and this makes sense. Your nutrient demands are super high during pregnancy and especially the first 20 weeks when I was really sick.
I was likely not meeting my daily mineral needs even through taking a prenatal. That was surely helping. The mineral mocktails were surely helping. But over time you can think of it like digging a ditch. You know, if every day you’re coming up like a little bit short and what you need, eventually you’re going to have a big ditch.
And so that’s the beauty of HTMA is you can really bring in a bulldozer and fill in that ditch. The next one was my blood sugar ratio. So this is the calcium to magnesium ratio. It’s often referred to as a blood sugar ratio. If calcium is too high in relation to magnesium, which is what was the case for me, it can indicate that our blood sugar balance is struggling.
And that is something that I notice sometimes in pregnancy. I did pass my glucose test, et cetera. I actually wore a CGM for about 10 days, around 28 weeks of pregnancy. And I did notice that even though my blood sugar was like definitely in range and there were no concerns there. My blood sugar was a lot more sensitive.
So even to things like lack of sleep or stress, I remember I was wearing my CGM during one of the webinars that I gave this summer. And right after the webinar, my blood sugar tanked so fast. All of a sudden my phone was like blowing up, the alarms were going off, like your blood sugar is too low. And so that definitely you can see there, like there are so many other things that affect blood sugar besides what you’re eating.
Obviously, I’d had a ton of energy and adrenaline going into this webinar. I had so much fun. I love giving webinars and my blood sugar just completely tanked after I was like, I need to eat. Now, so this ratio shows to me that I need a bit more magnesium to help my body handle my blood sugar a bit more smoothly.
This will help my energy to not dip. This will also help me to feel more relaxed, less anxious, and help me to sleep better when I am sleeping with a newborn. If you’ve ever had a newborn, you know, when you are sleeping, you want to optimize that sleep. And then the last ratio that we often see off in our clients is the adrenal ratio.
So your adrenals are these little glands that sit on top of your kidneys. This is looking at the relationship between sodium and magnesium. And it reflects how well the body manages stress. So that’s why it’s called the adrenal ratio. When sodium is low compared to magnesium. So again, this is why you can’t take these things at face value because it’s actually comparing two minerals that I was actually both low in.
It can just suggest that the adrenals are under a bit of pressure and working over time. Makes sense, right? I’m pregnant. My body is growing organs, growing a human. That’s a huge stress on the body. So it’s not. Shocking that my results show that this ratio is a little bit off, especially given the nutrients that I probably lost during those first 20 weeks.
So supporting my adrenals, supporting my sodium to magnesium ratio is going to be really important there. And this can help us too, you know, if we are custom blending a mineral powder for someone then we know how much extra, you know, magnesium or sodium or potassium to add instead of just saying okay, eat more sodium, eat more potassium and being super vague.
So here’s why these results make sense. Pregnancy is such a huge draw on your body’s resources. Growing a baby requires a huge supply of minerals and nutrients. And that’s even more true if, like me, you’ve had times where you couldn’t eat a wide range of foods. Like I said, for the first 20 weeks, I was living off of simple mills, crackers, and protein shakes and other things.
But those were Kind of my staples and these results really make sense given everything my body’s been through and the fact that I really wasn’t starting off in an amazing place. I was starting off definitely in a decent place and I had worked really hard, especially after the miscarriage to support my minerals even through all that crazy scarlet fever, et cetera, et cetera.
I’m interrupting this episode really quick to tell you about our sponsor LMNT. You know that I am a huge fan of minerals for gut health. If you struggle with constipation, bloating, acid reflux, or even poor energy, often the best place to start is by replenishing your minerals. Minerals are the spark plugs of our body and help us to maintain adequate hydration.
And that’s why I’m so excited for you to give LMNT a try. The ultimate mineral boost for your gut packed with sodium, potassium, and magnesium LMNT helps us to restore these essential electrolytes, ensuring that your gut stays happy and hydrated. It’s like giving your gut the fuel it needs to thrive.
So here’s the exciting part. If you want to receive a free sample pack with purchase, be sure to check out the link, drheatherfinley. co backslash element LMNT, or you can visit the link in the show notes. Now back to the episode.
So I’m grateful that I have these insights so I can focus on building back up with the right support. Just a couple other things that I noticed on my HTMA copper, iron, and cobalt. So these are three other minerals that we often hone in on with our clients. Copper is another mineral that showed up in my test results.
It’s critical for iron absorption, hormone balance, immune support, and during pregnancy, copper demands go up. So I’m going to be watching this closely to make sure I’m getting enough and really just supporting my body with copper rich foods. You can. Really focus on vitamin a to help with copper. There’s a lot of things too, that can go into that and then iron.
So iron is a tricky concept during pregnancy. Iron oftentimes will, especially ferritin will drop during pregnancy. And this is something that I’ve researched a lot because I noticed this for myself on my labs, my ferritin was dropping and I started getting worried and the more that I realized.
Her research this, I realized that hemodilution is really common in pregnancy. And so it’s really more about looking at iron, vitamin A, ceruloplasmin, copper, like looking at the whole picture. So iron is really vital for oxygen delivery. We need it even more during pregnancy. It can be normal. You know, you have twice the amount of blood to see changes in your iron when you’re pregnant, but especially postpartum low iron can contribute to hair loss.
And so that’s something that I’m going to keep an eye on as well. Given the context there. And then the lastly is cobalt. So cobalt is a part of vitamin B12. It supports nerve health. mood and energy. And while cobalt needs are smaller than other minerals, it plays a huge role in how you process stress, which is important, you know, during pregnancy and beyond.
And even, you know, the stress of not sleeping consistently or all the things that just happen postpartum. So, that is a little bit about my HTMA findings. I want to dive into Why or what I’m going to do now. So just keep in mind, my results are my results. And even though maybe you relate to some of the symptoms that I might have, you really, if you want to know your mineral levels, the best way to know is to test because there’s so many different patterns that can show up on HTMA, which is why I love it because HTMA is so personalized. If I only looked at my individual mineral levels, I might miss what’s happening with even my ratios. And so knowing how to not only interpret the minerals, but also the ratios is really helpful.
And I can understand exactly where I need to focus, especially as I recover for this and continue to support my energy for breastfeeding. So I’m going to make a custom mineral blend for myself. I actually ordered this last week, so I should be getting it sometime soon. And I want to make sure that number one, I’m doing this because I want to make sure I’m getting everything I need.
Number two, I’m doing it out of convenience. I actually would much prefer to drink something than take pills. The prenatal that I’m taking, I’ve cycled between gut personal full well and needed. Some of those were gifted. But they’re all prenatals that I’ve researched and feel comfortable taking.
I wouldn’t take them if I wasn’t. But with my HTMA mineral blend, I can replace my prenatal, which is nice. So I don’t have to take eight pills a day, which is great. Cause it’s a lot. But this blend is going to include all the minerals that I need based on my results. Things like Potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper.
I know that newborn life can be a little bit chaotic and overwhelming. And so I’m just trying to make things simpler. And then obviously most importantly, focusing on really nourishing foods. So even though yes, getting a custom blend is convenient and helpful. The best way that you can nourish yourself is with food.
So I’m going to make sure that I’m eating foods that are rich, especially in the minerals that I was low in foods like leafy greens, bananas, nuts, seeds, bone broth, liver. Liver is something that I’ve slowly. integrated into my diet because of copper, because of vitamin a I like the force of nature blends that have liver in them.
Especially if I do one pack of that and one pack of ground beef making taco meat, you don’t even know it’s there. I do find that I can’t do the leftovers as well because it does smell. So I try to just make what we need for that day. It’s not great for like meal prep, unless you’re going to freeze it.
But getting these minerals is going to help my body to get what I need. And it’s really going to help with healing and recovery minerals, especially the ones that I mentioned, they help support cell repair. They’re going to help repair my body after the stress of delivery and even magnesium is going to help with just muscle relaxation, et cetera.
And then also help with breastfeeding and milk production. So minerals are essential to make milk. I noticed this actually both times with my last two kids, when I was dehydrated or when I was just drinking water and I was not supporting my body with minerals, my. milk production would decrease.
So I’m really interested to see how specifically supporting my minerals. Now that I know my specific levels is going to help even more. And then other reasons that I’m supporting this postpartum for sure. Mood and emotional wellbeing. For sure. Helping with hormone rebalancing. This can take up to a year for your hormones really to rebalance after giving birth the fastest and largest, most drastic hormone drop that you’re ever going to have is after birth.
And it can be really taxing and challenging. Some minerals can help support that. And make sure that hopefully you’re feeling as best as you can. So just to reiterate here, minerals are essential for your health, regardless of really what you’re going through. These minerals are building blocks for the body.
They’re foundational to every major system in the body from energy production and hormone imbalance, hormone balance to digestion and even stress resilience. And when you don’t have enough, minerals. It’s like your body is missing the tools that it needs to function at its best. So if you’re dealing with low fatigue low energy, constant fatigue, it can be a sign that your body doesn’t have what it needs to make energy effectively.
And HTMA or mineral support, even if you just download my free mineral guide I have the guide categorized by needs. So yeah. energy mocktails, sleep mocktails, thyroid mocktails, etc. So you can go in and pick what would be best for you. I want to talk about lastly, just some of the misconceptions or just things that are overlooked with minerals.
So many people don’t realize they need mineral support. And like I said, we’ve really changed how we’ve practiced over the last two and a half years because we were seeing clients that had crazy GI issues. You know, they’d done this
It’s like everything in the body starts working again, and it simplifies the process. So mineral imbalances are often. way overlooked and are way more common. Because it’s really easy to be like, Oh you’re a mom. Of course you’re tired or yeah, you’re tired because of such and such, or you’re, you need to sleep more, et cetera.
But sometimes really getting in there, getting in the weeds and seeing what’s going on can help with low energy. Another thing that we’ve seen at help with is iron issues. So if you’re taking iron and your iron is still not going up, It perhaps is actually not an iron issue. It is a overall mineral issue and a recycling issue.
We’ve seen it a lot with thyroid as well. We get clients that have, you know, quote unquote, normal thyroid labs, and then all of a sudden they support their minerals. They feel so much better in these like subclinical thyroid. symptoms go away because even though their TSH was normal, perhaps all the other markers were off.
So I hope that this was interesting to you. If you’re thinking like, okay, I want to look at this or just even learn more about minerals. Like I mentioned, I do have a free mineral guide. It has practical tips for supporting your minerals. So even starting with foods, mineral rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, adding sea salt, obviously, you know, that’s going to be variant, variable on your specific health conditions.
But whether you’re working on digestion, energy, mood, supporting your minerals, with mineral rich foods, mineral mocktails even Epsom salt baths or ways to get minerals into your body that way can be really helpful. So I’ll put the link to the mineral guide in the show notes. You can go ahead and download that.
It’s free. There’s lots of links in there for like different mineral products. Like I said, it’s categorized based on Like health condition or concern. So if you’re struggling with sleep or thyroid issues or energy, you can pick which mocktail might be good for you. Obviously it is a guide. It is not medical advice.
So please consult your doctor. If you have concerns or before trying something new but that can be such a great place to start. So I hope today’s episode just helps you, I think, first of all, realize I’m human. I’m not perfect. I am on this journey as well. And I will keep you posted on how this supports me.
We’ve seen it support several of our clients postpartum trying to conceive during pregnancy, et cetera. So I’m super hopeful for this, but if you’re dealing with fatigue, GI issues, hormone issues start with supporting your minerals. It really can be life changing. I’m also super excited because when this comes out, you are not super far away from our black Friday offer.
So once a year we put our HTMA a bundle on sale. So the HTMA a bundle includes the HTMA a test as well as a one on one consult to go over your results. That’s where you can Decide if you want to do a custom blend, you want to do food, you want to do different supplements or a combination of both. We can walk you through all of our recommendations for you.
Some video modules, all the stuff. So it includes the test as well as that consult 50 off for black Friday. It’s the only time of year that we put it on sale. There’s only going to be 30 spots available because this is a one on one offer. So if you’re not, if you haven’t downloaded the mineral guide, but you want to do HTMA, go ahead and download it.
Cause that will put you on our email list so that you’re the first to know the sale will be on black Friday, which fun fact is actually my birthday. So even more reason to celebrate and we will be sending out the email at 9am central time last year we sold out in the same day. Okay. Definitely set your alarm write down all your Black Friday purchases, put that at the top since it’s going out at 9 a.m.
But, you know, we’ve seen clients go from struggling with daily fatigue and blood sugar crashes to having energy improvements. Like I mentioned, the first, friend who texted me like no PMS symptoms, no moodiness, we’ve seen iron issues resolved. We’ve seen chronic GI issues resolved clients taking like 1200 milligrams of magnesium citrate and not going to the bathroom.
And all of a sudden they support their minerals and their bowels are moving a lot better. So just remember that your health. is worth investing in. If you’re dealing with any health concern, this can be such a powerful tool. HTMA testing is a great place to start. I hope that this encourages you.
I will keep you posted on my postpartum mineral journey. So follow along on my stories on my blog on this podcast, of course and share this with a friend, maybe it would be interesting for them to read but thanks so much for tuning into this episode of the love your gut podcast. Don’t forget to download the mineral guide and definitely keep an eye out for the black Friday, HTMA a sale.
I’ll see you next time on the next episode of the love your podcast.
I’m giving you a thumbs up because you just finished another episode of the love your gut podcast. I am so excited because black Friday is just around the corner. And honestly, Thanksgiving and black Friday are some of my favorite days of the year. The buzz on Instagram has been wild with questions about our black Friday specials.
And guess what? The answer is a resounding yes. So make sure that you’re part of our email list to be the very first in the know about our fantastic. Black Friday deals on HTMA or hair mineral testing. You do not want to miss out on these gems. I promise the link to join our email list is in the show notes below.
And as always remember that when you love your gut, it’ll love you back. And that’s what we’re all about.
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