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Dr. Heather Finley
Dr. Heather Finley: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Love Your Gut Podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Heather Finley, registered dietitian and gut health specialist. I understand the frustration of dealing with GI issues because I’ve been there and I spent over two decades searching for answers for my own gut issues of constipation, bloating, and stomach pain.
I’ve dedicated my life to understanding and solving my own gut issues. And now I’m here to guide you. On this podcast, I’ll help you identify the true root causes of your discomfort. So you can finally ditch your symptoms for good. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need so that you can love your gut and it will love you right back.
So if you’re ready to learn a lot, gain a deeper understanding of your gut and find lasting relief. You are in the right place.
Welcome to the love your gut podcast.
Welcome back to the next episode of the love your gut podcast. I am so glad to be back [00:01:00] with you kicking off a couple weeks series on minerals. So minerals are something that has been quite a hot topic over on Instagram. And I thought I would just dedicate a couple episodes to various topics, including today’s topic, which is why you need mineral support.
Even if you eat healthy, We’ve seen this so many times including myself. I’m also going to be doing an episode reviewing my own HTMA mineral results and my postpartum mineral plan. I’ll be doing an episode about hypothyroidism and specific minerals for hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s. And then some, the last episode of this series will be the best minerals to support constipation, diarrhea, and other gut issues.
So stay tuned. If you are interested in minerals and specifically those topics, [00:02:00] those episodes are coming to you soon over the next couple of weeks. So be sure to tune in. There’ll be dropping weekly and I’d love it if you would share it with a friend and somebody who could benefit from it.
So today I’m so glad you’re here. We are going to be talking about a topic that’s super close to my heart. One that I think you will resonate with and why minerals are absolutely completely foundational to both gut health and hormone health and optimal energy. If you feel like you’re doing quote unquote, all the right things.
But aren’t seeing results or if you’re really tired of being told that your labs are normal when you know something isn’t right you’ve kind of tried so many things then this episode is for you So I want to share a little bit of my own journey. I No, many of and I have a couple episodes on this way back at the beginning when I started the podcast, but I have my own journey with GI issues.
Honestly, as I was probably exactly where so many of [00:03:00] you are right now, I spent 20 years struggling with gut issues. I had tried everything you could think of different diets, elimination plans, detoxes, Supplements, probiotics, but nothing seemed to work. And looking back, I can see that a huge part of why I stayed stuck was because I was constantly running on empty.
But it was really celebrated. I was the type A overachiever, even in high school. I was the Energizer Bunny, it was, I kind of even going into college had this motto of I can sleep when I’m dead and how many of us have kind of identified with that as our, as a piece of our identity of I, I can do it all.
I was at the time, especially in my early twenties, when my GI issues were their absolute worst, I was over exercising, under eating. I was following these strict elimination diets because I thought that’s [00:04:00] what I had to do to get rid of my GI issues. I was thinking that I was doing the best thing for my body.
And I honestly. I honestly want to just go back to that 20 year old Heather and give her a big hug and tell her like, look at what you’ve done now, 15 years later, I was draining myself so much burning through my energy reserves and minerals in my mineral stores. Really without replenishing them because I had no clue.
Even as a nutrition major, this is what honestly blows my mind is I spent four years and so much money in college studying nutrition. And we probably had one lecture on minerals and even now looking back, even in like nutritional biochemistry which I had the pleasure of teaching actually last spring as an adjunct at TCU, where I went to [00:05:00] college, I looked at it from such a different angle.
Because every graph at every metabolic process, you will see that minerals are the cofactors for all of that. And like, why was that brushed over? Why did nobody talk about that? There’s such a broad overview, but when you really zoom in, it’s like minerals are what make the body run. So back to kind of my story, it wasn’t just the diets, the workouts, my sleep was terrible.
It was, so inadequate. I was not giving my body the chance to rest and repair. I was a competitive swimmer my whole life and in college and my body was just used to honestly running on adrenaline. I didn’t know any different. The thought of rest actually terrified me and I know so many of you can relate to that.
If you do, you’re not alone. And I promise that there is hope and the thought of rest now is so delightful. But the more we neglect sleep, the more we deplete ourselves [00:06:00] over time, the more we deplete our minerals. And it’s really nearly impossible for our bodies to function properly. When I, was kind of at the pit of my G.
I. Issues in my early twenties. I felt absolutely hopeless and defeated. Every time I went to a doctor, I’d get my labs drawn. They would say everything was normal, but I knew deep down that something was wrong. My energy was so bad. I was living on coffee and a prayer. My gut issues were relentless. I just couldn’t seem to break away from that cycle.
And it’s really exhausting when you’re told that medication is your only option when you know that’s not the solution you’re looking for. And that’s not going to help you because, if your labs are normal, then how is this medication actually supposed to help you? So it really wasn’t until I started learning More about minerals and understood that my body was just super depleted [00:07:00] and missing the raw materials that it needed to heal, that I really began to see real change.
So today we’re going to dive into why that is, why minerals are so essential for both gut and hormone health and why really without them, all the diets, all the protocols, I don’t care. How good your protocol is or how quote unquote clean you eat. If you’re depleted, then it’s going to be like, what did our parents used to tell us?
Like walking uphill both ways in the snow or something. You’ll try everything without getting anywhere. And I really want to help you avoid those same struggles because it’s miserable. So let’s talk about why minerals are foundational to health. Think of minerals like the building blocks of your body.
So they’re kind of like the little nuts and bolts that keep everything working smoothly. They help our body to do a lot of important things that keep you feeling good. For example, minerals are like the little helpers that keep your digestion moving and they keep our hormones balanced. They give us energy [00:08:00] without adequate minerals.
It’s like trying to build a Lego set. and it has missing pieces or like trying to complete a puzzle and then you’re missing two pieces at the end and you’re so frustrated. If you’ve been there, you get that feeling. It just doesn’t work, right? Like it doesn’t look complete. Nothing works. So our bodies need these minerals to stay strong.
To manage stress, to keep our energy up, and even digest food properly. Unlike some things, our bodies cannot make their own. So just like certain vitamins that our bodies can make, like vitamin K2, etc. Our bodies cannot make minerals. So unless you’re eating them, or taking a supplement, then It’s like needing gas for your car.
Your body’s not just gonna, or your car’s not gonna just miraculously fill itself with gas. You have to stop and get gas. So we have to fill our mineral tank by eating the right foods and sometimes by taking supplements if we’re really low. But what are [00:09:00] minerals? Minerals are natural elements found in the earth, water, plants.
They’re tiny, but they’re very mighty. And when we eat foods grown in the ground, like vegetables, grains we, nuts, etc. We get those minerals into our body. So some important ones are magnesium, potassium, and sodium. And if you tune in to the next episode where I talk about my postpartum mineral consumption.
Journey, you’ll learn a little bit more about those minerals specifically. So each mineral has a special job they keep our systems running, they keep our heart beating muscles working. But let’s talk specifically from a gut health, energy and hormone perspective, why these are helpful. So for our gut to digest food.
Minerals like magnesium and potassium are super important because they calm our digestive system. They help things move smoothly. They help loosen things and they keep the train kind of running on time. [00:10:00] Without minerals, you can feel bloated, you can feel constipated, you can have stomach cramps.
Magnesium helps draw water to the bowels. Potassium helps your gut muscle. Yes. Your gut is a muscle to actually contract from an energy standpoint, minerals like sodium and potassium give us energy because they help our cells get the right balance of water and nutrients. So you can think of yourselves right now, if you’re super dehydrated and mineral depleted, they’re like shriveled up little raisins.
We want our cells to be like grapes. We don’t want raisins. So they’re kind of these sodium and potassium are kind of like the charging stations for your Tesla. They keep your energy up. They keep your cells energized. When you are low on these minerals, you might feel tired. You might feel like your phone battery is always on empty, which That’s the case for me.
My phone is always on less than 10 percent battery. Not a fun place to be. Hormones. For your hormones to stay balanced, you need minerals like [00:11:00] zinc, magnesium, copper, so many minerals to make sure your body’s actually producing the right amount so that things like mood, sleep, skin, All those things stay on track.
You actually cannot make hormones without adequate minerals. You cannot make energy without adequate minerals. You can’t even produce things like stomach acid without adequate minerals. So you could be doing all the protocols in the world, taking hormone balancing supplements or Doing a protocol for H.
pylori or SIBO or whatever it might be, perhaps the reason that your symptoms either aren’t getting better or are coming back is because your body actually lacks that foundational mineral support to do what it needs to do. Let’s list off four reasons why your minerals could still be low, even if you eat quote unquote healthy.
Cause this is the type of [00:12:00] client that we see. They’re like, I eat really healthy. I, I do all the things. Why am I so mineral depleted? Why is my body not absorbing these things? And there’s a few reasons and there’s more than four, but here are the top four. Number one is stress. When you’re stressed, your body actually uses up more minerals.
So it’s like when you’re on a road trip and you need to stop for gas more often, stress burns through magnesium, potassium, specifically those minerals, but others faster, which means you need to be even more intentional about your mineral intake when you are stressed. And I’m not just talking about you’re stressed about your job.
Other stressors can include your training for a marathon, you are pregnant, you’re trying to conceive, perhaps you’re going through GI issues, so you have SIBO or other underlying GI issues perhaps you’ve been exposed to mold, maybe you just [00:13:00] are a mom of several kids and life’s just busy. That’s a stress.
That’s stress. The second reason can be actually digestion and absorption. Sometimes your bodies don’t absorb all the minerals from your food because your digestion isn’t working properly. So for example, if you have bloating, constipation, even especially diarrhea. And you’re going to the bathroom more frequently, you might not be able to break down and absorb minerals in your food properly.
So your mineral needs are going to be higher. The next and third reason could be soil quality. And it’s super interesting. The soil grows our food and our soil is just not as mineral rich as it was years ago. So even if you’re eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. They’re not as mineral rich as they used to be.
So you actually have to eat more to get that amount of minerals that you might need. And then lastly, it could be diet related. There’s certain types [00:14:00] of diets, foods, et cetera, like elimination diets. Low carb diets that are going to cut out mineral rich foods. If you’re eating mostly raw veggies or a lot of fiber without enough balance, that’s also going to make it harder for your body to absorb minerals.
I know I have plenty of other episodes on variety, etc. If you are eating the same thing every day, You’re perhaps missing out on some of the minerals that you might need. Stress, digestive issues, soil quality, and different diets can make it harder for your body to keep and get the minerals that it needs, which is why focusing on mineral balance can be such a game changer for your health.
So I want to talk about some of the main mineral balances and their impacts that we often see. Number one is high doses of magnesium. Either you’re taking high doses of magnesium for constipation or maybe sleep. Magnesium is often one of the [00:15:00] first things that people try for constipation, especially if you’re looking for something more quote unquote natural than Miralax or something else.
Which, that’s not a bad option. Magnesium is great. It helps relax muscles. Makes it easier to go, but sometimes you could be taking a lot. We have seen clients taking 1200 milligrams of magnesium and still constipated. Number one, you have to look at the form. I have another podcast episode on the different types of magnesium.
So I’ll link that in the show notes. But magnesium needs other minerals. Like sodium and potassium for absorption. So we’ve actually seen several clients that are able to cut their magnesium dose in a third by supporting their other minerals. When your other minerals are low, it’s like trying to get your car to move.
without gas. You can add a lot of magnesium but it’s just not going to move the way that it would if it actually had fuel. So the mineral [00:16:00] balance really matters. Your minerals are like a symphony. They all work together. Low potassium is another mineral imbalance that we see, and it’s really a big deal.
Potassium is so key for so many things. It energizes us, it hydrates us, it helps with your heartbeat. When potassium is low, you’ll feel tired, maybe crampy, maybe dizzy. It’s one of the minerals that you’ll really notice when it’s low because it affects how every single cell in your body works. Potassium also helps balance out sodium.
So if it’s too low, you might feel bloated. You might feel puffy. We see this with a lot of our hypothyroid clients. They’re super puffy. They feel swollen and they start really pushing potassium and all of a sudden the swelling goes away. We also see this sometimes when people push sodium too fast. Even if they’re low in sodium, on an htma test or something if they are doing [00:17:00] this sodium way too fast, we need to focus on potassium first and all of a sudden the puffiness and the swelling goes away.
Potassium is really important for muscle contraction, especially like your gut muscle. So if you struggle with gut motility, potassium is a big one. Another one is salt. How many of you raise your hand if you are scared of salt still? The 90s made us so afraid of salt, but it really is essential. It helps keep our blood pressure stable.
Obviously, if you have high blood pressure, this is a different conversation, but it helps us to stay hydrated. It helps get energy to our system. cells. Obviously this is a Goldilocks mentality. Too much can cause issues, but too little can also leave you feeling really weak, tired, or lightheaded. We see a lot of clients that eat a very whole foods based diet, which is great, but they’re not salting their food and they become very sodium deficient.
And they’re like, why am I so tired? You also lose [00:18:00] lots of salt between sweat and stress hormones. So if you exercise and you are sweating a lot. Or if you live in a hot climate and you sweat a lot, your sodium needs are going to be higher. And if you’re stressed, you are going to have a higher sodium loss.
So rather than avoiding salt, we need to pair it with other minerals like potassium to stay balanced. It’s good to use a mineral rich salt like Celtic salt or Redmond salt. And then next up is some of the ratios. So like I mentioned, minerals really work together. So we’re not just focused on one mineral.
We want to look at how are they all working together. So specifically one that we see is sodium and potassium. Like I mentioned, when sodium is too high and potassium is too low, you might feel puffy or bloated. Your heart and your blood pressure can be affected. So it’s not really just getting enough of one or the other.
[00:19:00] It’s about the balance between the two. Another that we see is the balance between copper and zinc. If you take a multivitamin, your homework is to go look at your multivitamin and look and see if it has copper and zinc. Copper and zinc are two minerals that work very closely together. Zinc is probably more common or familiar to you.
It’s great for your immune system, your skin, your energy. But copper is often forgotten, and you cannot really supplement zinc, or you should not supplement zinc without supplementing copper. Because the higher zinc goes, the lower copper will go. You need to do this together. Copper helps things like blood health, collagen production, So if you’re concerned about skin or wrinkles, copper is a big one, but like I said, there’s a balance there.
So too much zinc can push down copper levels, making it harder for our body to make enough energy. Copper is really [00:20:00] helpful for fertility. So it actually helps with the implantation. So low copper can be part of maybe the reason someone might. Be having trouble getting pregnant zinc is especially important.
I think we often think of for immune health, but also hormone health, skin health, et cetera. And then the last part that we often see, which this mineral might not be super familiar to you. So maybe learning something new today, but. Cobalt. Cobalt is a trace mineral that is needed in super tiny amounts, but it can actually tell us a lot about how your liver and your stomach are working.
We see this a lot on the HCMA test. Cobalt is a part of vitamin B12. It’s key for energy and brain function. If cobalt or B12 levels are low, it can signal that our liver might need support or that our stomach acid levels are low, which is going to affect overall. mineral balance. So low stomach acid means that we can’t absorb certain [00:21:00] minerals, which can cause a ripple effect on things like energy digestion, mineral balance.
So cobalt is really helpful because it will give us clues about whether we’re getting nutrients that we need from our food. So some of these mineral imbalances might just show us, how Each mineral is playing a specific role in our body, what we can do to help you feel your best. Our bodies need the full mineral team working together.
So you might be thinking how do I know if I have mineral imbalances? So I want to kind of go through this like little symptom checklist. So are you experiencing any of these issues from a gut health standpoint, bloating gas, constipation, diarrhea, stomach aches, low appetite. Cravings for sweet and salty foods, recurrent GI issues, food in your stool, just poor digestion, feeling like things kind of sit like a brick in your stomach.
Any [00:22:00] of those can indicate a need for minerals. Lack of gut motility, gastroparesis type symptoms, from a hormone perspective, irregular or painful periods, a lot of PMS or PMDD symptoms, irritability, fatigue, low energy, low sex drive, difficulty concentrating, brain fog and then from an energy standpoint.
Standpoint, maybe you feel unusually tired, you feel sluggish, you have muscle cramps, weakness, trouble sleeping. Maybe you wake up not feeling rested, you’re dizzy or lightheaded. If you’re nodding with any of these symptoms, it might be a sign that you need ral support and that your minerals are out of balance.
I have several different resources that can help you including our mineral guide. We also have our upcoming Black Friday sale, which I’ll tell you more about. And you might be thinking can’t I just run a blood test to check my minerals? Blood tests can often miss an important piece of the picture.
And I want to break down just the [00:23:00] difference between blood testing and hair testing. Our bodies are incredibly resourceful. They will keep prioritizing the blood levels of minerals. in a normal range, even if that means pulling them from our tissues. So for example, let’s use iron. Iron is a mineral. Your blood might show normal levels of iron, but that does not give you the whole picture.
You could still have low iron stores in your body which is what really counts for energy and overall health. Same thing with potassium. If your potassium levels are off in your blood work, we have a very serious problem usually. But low potassium on an HTMA is really just kind of a warning signal like, hey, I don’t have a lot of reserves.
So let’s work on that. So this means that by the time blood work shows something is off, the mineral issue has likely been present for a long time. And chronic deficiencies can lead to more serious health [00:24:00] issues. So hair testing can help identify these problems before they escalate, or in a lot of cases, they can also help give us more insight into the whole picture.
So hair testing like htma or hair tissue mineral analysis really can just provide a broader overview of your mineral status by showing the level stored in your body’s tissues and that way we can see patterns and trends over time we can predict potential deficiencies before they become a major concern.
We can also be a lot more proactive and have a more comprehensive overview of all the minerals and the symphony of how they’re all working together. So minerals in the blood are looking at your immediate needs. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, they’re crucial, right? For immediate physiological functions.
The body regulates these very tightly to ensure. nerve transmission, muscle contraction, blood sugar they can fluctuate also throughout the day. [00:25:00] So your hydration, your diet, your physical activity, all can affect the levels of minerals in your blood. So if you’re dehydrated on the day that you give blood, it will show up on your blood work.
These are going to provide just a mineral snapshot at that given moment of, what’s going on at this moment versus long term nutritional status. So the difference here then is minerals in the tissues are more The reserves. So tissues, including liver, bones and muscles hair, et cetera. These serve as reserves that can draw the body can draw on when needed.
So these stores are really essential for long term health and stability and the mineral levels in these tissues can indicate chronic deficiencies or imbalances that might not be as apparent in a blood test. Because, for instance, if your body has been pulling [00:26:00] calcium from your bones to maintain blood levels, you may end up with healthy blood calcium, but weakened bones.
We’ve seen this quite a bit with osteoporosis, osteopenia, and then we’ve also seen it with iron and iron issues as well. So hair testing, And just looking at mineral levels in the tissues is going to look at kind of this insight into long term nutritional status and can help us just to identify some of these patterns that could manifest as symptoms.
So one is not necessarily better than the other, they’re just looking at different things. And sometimes, especially with iron issues, it can be helpful to compare the hair and the blood to see the whole picture. So blood tests can offer a really quick view of mineral status, but they can be pretty misleading if we’re relying on them solely for our health assessment, and we’re not getting all the minerals from a blood test, so the two of them [00:27:00] together can work.
Great. So how do we actually practically focus on mineral repletion? Number one is through food. So we want to include very mineral rich foods. Things like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, mineral rich salt, potassium rich foods like bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados citrus foods like orange, etc. Copper rich foods like nuts, cashews seeds, even shellfish, oysters and then calcium rich foods as well.
We also want to focus on making sure that our bodies are hydrated. So hydration is going to help maintain that balance. But it’s not just about drinking plain water. You might find that if you drink plain water all day, especially if you filter your water, that you’re still constantly thirsty. Mineral mocktails beverages that have electrolytes and minerals can be Delicious and a great way to stay [00:28:00] hydrated.
We also don’t want to overdo it. Sometimes we have clients that are drinking way too much water because of the thirst issue. They’re drinking 160, 200 ounces of water a day. And they’re like, I’m still so thirsty. We actually want to cut back on the water intake and focus more on minerals and getting your body to actually absorb the water.
So your cells are kind of going from that grape or their raisin to the grape. And then, like I mentioned, making sure that if you’re filtering your water, which is a great thing, that you’re actually replenishing those minerals. Sometimes we do need to fill in the gap. So even if you have the best intention, with your diet, supplementation can be helpful.
You can think of it. Kind of like a big ditch in your yard. It didn’t get there overnight, years of elimination diets restricting food groups, stress, lifestyle factors. These can cause [00:29:00] mineral deficiencies to accumulate over time. I’d also add in their pregnancy, giving birth, et cetera. Just as you would need to kind of fill that ditch gradually in your backyard, supplementing minerals can help restore balance and it can help you to feel a lot better.
So I want to give you a practical example and a case study. So I’m going to share a story with you about our client, Sarah, we’ll call her Sarah. Sarah had been struggling with bloating and constipation for many years. And like many women, you’re probably nodding your head. She tried tons of diets, supplements.
Nothing really seemed to work. She had tried high fiber diets, low carb diets, lots of supplements, high doses of magnesium. She really thought that the magnesium would solve her constipation issues, but really kind of despite all of this, she just remained really stuck. Every time she visited her doctor, her labs looked [00:30:00] normal, even her colonoscopy was normal, which is great.
She had ruled out all the really serious things, but why was she so constipated? Why did she feel tired? Why did everything come back normal, even though she really didn’t feel normal? So when she came to us, she just said, please fix my constipation. That’s my main concern. But we ended up fixing a lot more than that.
So we started with HTMA, which might seem kind of crazy. Why would you start with HTMA when somebody’s constipated? But why we did that is because minerals are foundational to every metabolic process in the body. And we knew, okay, she’s not responding to this high dose of magnesium. What’s going on with her other minerals.
She was severely deficient in sodium and potassium. And like I mentioned at the beginning of this episode, those are critical for magnesium absorption. And this was definitely contributing to her constipation and bloating. [00:31:00] So she was a little scared at first especially when our recommendation was to increase her sodium intake and the potassium less scary, but this was going to help her absorption.
It was going to help her muscle contractions and. Not just focusing on magnesium. Was going to really help comprehensively support her minerals. So once we began to support Not only just sodium and potassium, but also all the other minerals and the balance of minerals She noticed huge changes So her bloating and constipation gradually improved constipation definitely improved a lot faster than bloating, which is pretty typical bloating is usually the last thing, but it really didn’t stop.
She experienced much better sleep, a lot of mood improvement, and she felt more resilient to stress. So she felt more energetic. She felt less overwhelmed by her daily stressors. [00:32:00] So I think the takeaway here is that we often look for really quick fixes with diets and supplements. But really true healing lies in addressing the foundational elements of our health like minerals and it actually makes things so much more simple.
Think about how much time she spent thinking about the food she couldn’t eat or thinking about, okay, what is the next supplement that’s going to help me? By doing a simple test and looking at what her mineral levels actually were. She. Not necessarily shortcutted because she had spent so much time, but she finally got the answers that she’d looking for.
And she got out of that cycle of just trial and error. And I think that I could tell you hundreds of stories like this. If you’re relating to this at all, it might be worth, Looking at how your mineral status is impacting your overall health, regardless of if you’re struggling with energy [00:33:00] issues, hormone issues, or GI issues.
So I hope that this encourages you. This is where our mineral guide can really provide some valuable insights and support you on your journey. You can download the mineral guide using the link in the show notes. But thank you for joining me for this episode. I hope that you loved it. If you had any insights, please feel free to reach out and share what was insightful to you.
And then the last thing that I want to share with you is that don’t forget Black Friday is just around the corner. This is our once a year HTMA sale. This is an excellent opportunity to gain insights on your mineral levels and help you know exactly what you need to do. So make sure you’re on our email list.
If you’ve downloaded the mineral guide, then you are on the email list and you will be the first to know we will have 30 spots. This will include the HTMA test as well as a one on one consult to [00:34:00] review your health history, your concerns, questions, your results, and your specific plan. So until then, take care of your Love your gut and it will love you right back.
I’m giving you a thumbs up because you just finished another episode of the love your gut podcast. I am so excited because black Friday is just around the corner. And honestly, Thanksgiving and black Friday are some of my favorite days of the year. The buzz on Instagram has been wild with questions about our black Friday specials.
And guess what? The answer is a resounding yes. So make sure that you’re part of our email list to be the very first in the know about our fantastic. Black Friday deals on HTMA or hair mineral testing. You do not want to miss out on these gems. I promise the link to join our email list is in the show notes below.
And as always remember that when you love your gut, it’ll love you back. And that’s what we’re all about.
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