In this episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast, I answer some listener questions, and I talk about whether an enema is for you, some underlying causes of constipation, the supplements that we use most commonly, lowering thyroid antibodies, SIBO and probiotics, addressing root causes, exercise and our gut health, and the correlation between our skin and gut health.
Topics Covered in This Episode:
- [02:14] Are Enemas helpful? Yay or Nay?
- [03:56] What are the underlying causes of constipation when you have a diagnosis such as Celiac disease?
- [08:01] What are the “top supplements” to help with constipation and gut symptoms?
- [09:43] Nutrition advice for individuals with elevated thyroid antibodies.
- [14:33] Breast implant illness and gut symptoms.
- [16:55] Probiotics and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
- [19:37] Low FODMAP diet and long term gut health.
- [22:02] How to reintroduce gluten and dairy back into your diet.
- [25:37] Exercise and our gut.
- [28:18] How histamine affects gut health and symptoms.
- [30:50] Drinking Celsius before a workout.
- [32:07] The correlation between skin health and gut health.
If this episode has been helpful, hit me up on Instagram, and tell me about your experience!
- Decrease stress to improve constipation.
- Listen: Episode 10: Optimize Your Minerals For Optimal Digestion.
- Detox Tips: Sweating, consistent bowel movements, remaining hydrated, milk thistle tea, dandelion root tea, broccoli sprouts, castor oil packs.
- Podcast: Fit Body, Happy Joints.
- Get a free sample pack of LMNT: www.drheatherfinley.co/LMNT
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- “Your gut is as unique as a fingerprint.”
- “Your gut and your skin health are 100% related.”
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Dr. Heather Finley
Dr. Heather Finley 00:02
You’ve probably had the thought of, I just, I just have to get through this 30 days and then it’ll be over. That is not helpful. That’s not sustainable. If it’s something that you can’t wait to be done with in 30 days, probably not the best option for you. Because if you struggle with gut issues, the reality is that you’re more susceptible to having gut symptoms in the future if you don’t know how to manage them in a sustainable way, which is why getting to the root causes so effective. Hey, welcome to the love your gut podcast.
Dr. Heather Finley 00:38
I’m your host, Dr. Heather Finley, I know what you’re thinking, how am I supposed to love my gut when all it does is hold me back. I thought the same thing before I found my own relief from my own gut health issues. I dedicated my life to getting to the bottom of my own gut issues, so I can help women just like you transform theirs. Now I’m here to guide you through your own gut health journey. We do this through identifying your root causes and making sustainable and transformational changes. As a result, you can unleash your true potential. My goal is to empower you with the information and tools you need to love your guts. So it loves you back right here on this podcast.
Dr. Heather Finley 01:22
Welcome back to the next episode of the Love Your Gut Podcast. I’m really excited about this episode, I’ve never done just a straight up q&a Before, it honestly kind of reminds me of our coaching sessions within the Get Together program. So this will maybe give you a little bit of a taste of what it’s like to be on one of those calls with inside of the membership. But there were so many great questions, I honestly don’t know that I’ll be able to get to all of them. But obviously, we’ll do another one of these, especially if you guys love having these q&a type episodes, just getting your most wanted questions asked and just the things that you’re curious about. I know for me when I was on my own gut health journey, I just wished that I could have someone to just answer questions. Like, for example, the first question that we have is enemas, yea or nay? And my answer is, yay if you’re really desperate. But I would want to ask the question, why do you need to use enemas. A lot of our clients come to come to us having to use them because of their chronic constipation. And there’s definitely a time and a place if your constipation is so bad. You can use fleet enemas, and different strategies to help you wean off of laxatives and help get your bowels moving. But you definitely don’t want to use enemas regularly or consistency consistently. Because you can become reliant on them and so are in the gut Together program. One of the toolkits that we give our clients access to is our constipation troubleshooting guide. And it’s the first thing that you get access to literally walks you through step by step like if you are constipated, if you are not having a bowel movement every single day, these are the steps that you want to take. There’s certain supplements that you can take, there are certain things that we can do from like a mineral standpoint, including potassium, magnesium, to help get your bowels moving. And then there’s also certain massages like the I love you massage and different stretches that we can do to help get your bowels moving. So that’s a long way to answer. enemas are fine if you are really desperate. But if you’re having to use enemas, you really want to get to the root cause. Obviously, your body is giving you a sign that there’s something that we’re missing.
Dr. Heather Finley 03:52
Okay, next question was related to this is what are the underlying causes of constipation with other diagnoses such as celiac? So this was a question from Samantha. So, Samantha, I’m guessing what you’re asking is, if you have celiac or you have some other diagnosis, what can contribute to constipation. But first, what I want to start with is the top underlying causes of just constipation in general, whether you have celiac or not, some of the top causes of constipation include, and I’m going to go in order of process at got together our method teaches clients how to understand their digestion from a top down approach. So oftentimes, we’re so focused on taking a probiotic or taking this fiber or not eating these foods are eating these foods in order to improve constipation. But the reality is that there’s so many steps of digestion that actually have to occur before food ever even lands in Your intestines. And so in order of priority as far as a systems approach is concerned, number one is stress, and really any perceived stress, your body doesn’t know the difference between you being stressed about food, you’ve been stressed about travel, you’ve been stressed about your job or stress from under eating, not sleeping enough dehydration, the body just interprets that stress as a stressor. And so getting your body out of a fight or flight state can help improve constipation, because it’s actually going to improve gut motility. Next kind of down the line is chewing. If you’re not chewing your food, and you’re not mechanically breaking it down, it’s gonna be harder to digest. There’s no more simple way to put that, then we have stomach acid, stomach acid is a common root cause that we see for clients, often they have been told that they have too much stomach acid, but in fact, they have too little. And your stomach actually has to fill with acid in order for it to empty. So if you struggle at all, with delayed gastric emptying, slow gut motility, definitely worth looking at stomach acid. We also want to look at pancreatic output and bile flow. Those both help with digestion of proteins and fats and carbohydrates, and will inhibit your bowels from moving if you can’t digest food very well. And then, of course, we get to things that are in the small and large intestine, including overgrowth of bacteria, like SIBO, in the small intestine, if you have high levels of methane gas, that can slow your bowels down. But you can also have constipation from just a lack of good bacteria in your large intestine. And we see this a lot on stool testing with our clients who have been on restrictive diets for a really long period of time, and who have done really every elimination diet in the book, maybe even under eating for a long period of time. And so there’s kind of more evidence of maybe it’s not what you’re eating, maybe it’s something that you’re not eating, that could be contributing. And then just some other things to think about. Are you drinking enough water? Are you are you getting enough minerals in your water? What are your mineral levels look like? Are you also eating enough fiber? Oftentimes, we’ll have our clients log just kind of a sample like what are what are you eating the symptoms you’re having, and they’ll say, Oh, I eat plenty of fiber. And then we actually dive into their food logs. And they’re really not eating plenty of fiber. Most people are not getting enough. And just diversity of fiber in general. When it comes to celiac, or any kind of autoimmune disease, we want to think of it from an inflammation standpoint. So when you have celiac, especially if you are undiagnosed for a long period of time, then this can contribute to constipation. Because when the gut is inflamed, there can be other things going on. And we essentially want to calm down the fire to help your bowels move a bit better.
Dr. Heather Finley 08:00
Okay, next question was from Amy. And she asked, What are the top supplements you recommend to clients? I love this question because honestly, there aren’t top supplements, there are ones that we use more often. But here’s the thing with functional nutrition, and specifically in the gut Together program, everyone is unique. Your gut is as unique as a fingerprint. And so that’s why these like standard gut health diets, gut health resets gut health programs, probably that you all have done don’t work, because your needs are going to be very different than someone else’s. That being said, some things that we use quite a bit. Magnesium, of course, in various forms, we use magnesium citrate, we use magnesium glycinate. We often will use potassium mineral powders for our clients with thyroid issues and with constipation and with stress. We use spore based probiotics a lot. We use immunoglobulins a lot. We use prebiotic fiber a lot. Of course, we use certain digestive enzymes depending on an individual’s need. We’ll use digestive bitters, but this is where the customization comes in. You can’t just rely on supplements to fix your gut issues as much as most people want to do that. And you really want to make sure that you’re taking what you need to take and that’s where working with someone can be really, really beneficial. So you’re not wasting money taking things that you know some of your favorite influencer told you was going to fix your bloating. It’s usually much more complicated than that.
Dr. Heather Finley 09:42
Next question we have is from Tara. So she asked, what is the nutrition advice to lower thyroid antibodies TPO is over 800 Looking hotties in the face. So I’m glad that you asked this question Tara. And I you may not know This, but Hashimotos is actually part of my story. So, in my early 20s, when my gut issues were, at their worst, was right after my dad had passed away. And it was when my stress and grief was at an all time high. I didn’t know how to manage stress, I thought that managing stress looked like going on a run every day, even when I was tired even when I was injured. But I had no coping strategies. And this was actually contributing to my gut issues because my body was so overtrained and very undernourished. And it just was a vicious vicious cycle. And so there were days I remember, I was so exhausted, I was like, falling asleep, driving, literally, or like falling asleep. While I was I was in grad school, doing homework, things that I had never experienced before I was the girl that could like easily wake up at 5am and go run six miles and, you know, accomplish more in the beginning of the day than anybody did in their entire day. And I kind of prided myself on that. And when this happened, it stopped me dead in my tracks, because I felt a lot of shame around why am I so exhausted? Why did I gain, you know, 10 to 15 pounds overnight, without really anything changing. And it really forced me to look at what’s actually going on here. And I had to face my stress, dead in the face. And so all that to say, that may not be what’s going on with you. But I always just like to share my story there. I had super high thyroid antibodies, and at the same time had really severe digestive issues. And now, I more than, you know, basically 15 years later, I have not had positive antibodies in years. And I believe the reason for that is because I know how to manage my stress a lot better now. I don’t over exercise, I balanced my blood sugar and I eat enough. And I have addressed my underlying gut issues. So when we’re thinking about nutrition for Hashimotos, it’s so much more than what you shouldn’t eat. It really starts with blood sugar balance, making sure that you’re taking any stress out of your system by keeping your blood sugar stable. This is one of the pillars of the gut together method. It’s called P FFC protein, fat fiber color. This is how we teach our clients to eat. And when they eat this way, they find that their symptoms are so much better. When they’re eating in balance, their blood sugar is more stable, they have more energy, and they’re preventing these huge spikes and dips in their blood sugar throughout the day. And it’s reducing stress on their system, because they’re not having all these highs and lows and cortisol isn’t all over the place. So honestly, that’s the first step balancing your blood sugar, eating protein, fat fiber color at every single meal. Then you want to look at your minerals. So potassium, magnesium, sodium, are all really crucial for your thyroid, there’s many other minerals as well, the potassium specifically is very, very important. So including some potassium rich foods in your diet can make a huge difference. I actually have a whole other episode on minerals. It’s one of the first episodes I think it might be episode three or four, you can check that one out. And then looking at what’s going on in your gut. Like let’s do some testing. Let’s look at what is contributing to this what’s actually causing the fire what’s causing this autoimmune response in your gut or in an against your thyroid with the Hashimotos. When you can address your thyroid issues from the top and from the bottom, meaning you’re addressing the thyroid and you’re also addressing the gut, you’re gonna get better a lot quicker because really, it’s a bidirectional pathway. The really interesting thing about the gut is that you actually convert T four to T three in your gut so you convert to the active thyroid hormone in your gut, but your thyroid also controls your gut motility, which is why a lot of people that have Hashimotos or hypothyroidism struggle with constipation.
Dr. Heather Finley 14:33
The next question is from Rebecca. And so her question was around thoughts on breast implant illness being a root cause ways to address while waiting for removal of implants? I love this question and this has been the case for several of our clients. Breast Implant illness is a real thing. You can read about it all over the internet and obviously A getting an X plant is the best case scenario. But you do have to wait sometimes for that. There’s a lot of things that you can do. And I just want to talk about the main ways that your body detoxes. Number one is through your stool. We poop out things that don’t belong in our body. We also detox through our sweat. And we also detox through our urine. So when I say detox, I am not talking about like just a juice cleanse. That’s not without what at all I’m referring to, but what I’m talking about is how can we open up your detox pathways? So how can we get you sweating a little bit, and maybe that’s an infrared sauna, how can we get your bowels moving consistently, and then obviously, hydrating so that you’re urinating out every single day remaining hydrated, you want to keep your urine as clear as possible. So if you aren’t pooping every single day, that would be a place to start. Work on getting your bowels moving. You know, using magnesium using ginger using fiber using hydration, get your bowels moving, and then get yourself sweating. You can even work on like taking a binder like activated charcoal or something to make sure that you are helping your body to remove things. There’s obviously other like liver supportive things that you can do which could be beneficial even things like milk thistle tea, dandelion root tea, broccoli sprouts, as kind of a food approach could be really beneficial at just supporting your overall liver detox. Another thing that we love to recommend to our clients is castor oil packs. So that could be something that you try as well.
Dr. Heather Finley 16:47
Okay, I’m not sure the name of the person who asked this question, but I love it. And the question was, does adding probiotics cause SIBO? So the answer is no. But there are certain probiotics that can make your SIBO symptoms worse. One of the biggest misconceptions in just the digestive health world and especially the SIBO world is that you’re going to make your SIBO worse by like eating fiber, you’re not going to make your your SIBO worse, your symptoms might be worse, but you’re not going to make it worse. So what we want to focus on when it comes to SIBO is really getting to that root cause. And if we’re getting so honed in on like this probiotic is the problem versus zooming out and looking at what actually caused the SIBO in the first place, and how are we going to address it, you can see how having like, such a narrow focus can cause so much stress versus, hey, let’s break it down. Kind of like I explained earlier, step by step, which, which parts of digestion are misfiring? And how can we address those things and actually get rid of the SIBO. So let’s look at all the root causes and come up with a plan. And then we do know that there are certain probiotics actually, that help with SIBO. So spore based probiotics can be really helpful with SIBO. And there’s also some infant probiotics that have been really helpful with actual research against SIBO as well. And we actually just did a whole lecture on this in the gut Practitioner program. A week or so ago. I’m interrupting this episode are really quick to tell you about our sponsor element. You know that I am a huge fan of minerals for gut health if you struggle with constipation, bloating, acid reflux or even poor energy. Often the best place to start is by replenishing your minerals. And as we approach the summer months, this becomes even more crucial. Minerals are the sparkplugs of our body and help us to maintain adequate hydration and that’s why I’m so excited for you to give element a try. The ultimate mineral boost for your gut packed with the perfect balance of sodium, potassium and magnesium element helps us to restore these essential electrolytes, ensuring that your gut stays happy and hydrated. It’s like giving your gut the fuel it needs to thrive. So here’s the exciting part. If you want to receive a free sample pack with purchase, be sure to check out the link in the show notes.
Dr. Heather Finley 19:35
Now back to the episode. How do we talk to doctors and gashes about our feelings on the low FODMAP diet? I think this is a great question. And sadly, this is something that’s not talked about enough. I think oftentimes people go to the doctor and they don’t feel like they’re being heard. And this isn’t really the doctors fault. It’s our medical system. And it goes back to our doctors literally have 15 minutes per patient per year, which is why I think we’ve gotten to the place where we’ve resorted to giving people low FODMAP diet handouts, because they literally just don’t have time. So one of the things that I have hinted at a little bit on social media that I am developing is something that I really hope will change the game for people, when it comes to go into their GI doctors. My goal is to actually partner with GI doctors on this to actually give patients a resource. So stay tuned for what’s coming, it’s going to be amazing, and I’m super excited about it. But in the meantime, I think you go in, like first step is go in with a list of questions, and do not leave until your questions are answered. And make sure that they understand that so when they come in to say like, thank you so much for your time, I have a couple of questions. And I want to make sure that I leave with the answers to these though, if you don’t mind, I’m going to start with my questions. And that way, if you have them written down, you might feel less frazzled. And so some of those questions could be about the low FODMAP diet. I think another way to approach it is saying like, I’ve tried that, and it did not provide me relief, like what other options do we have? Do you have someone that you can refer me to that can actually support me in this? Or if you have a history of an eating disorder or restrictive dieting, I think it’s very wise to say like, I’m not going to do that, because I know that stress is the number one trigger of IBS related symptoms. And when I have to restrict so many foods, it’s going to cause more stress. And so this is not a good option for me. What are your other options? And they should be able to provide you with more options. And if they aren’t, then I think it’s time to look outside and find a provider that can Is it possible to reintroduce gluten and dairy after being offered two years? Have you done this with a patient, we do this all the time. The great thing about when you actually address the root cause of your digestive symptoms is that you can actually enjoy food and love food again. And that’s the goal. If you really think about your overall goal, or maybe think about an experience that you’ve had with a provider, maybe you’ve gone in, you’ve been given a list of foods not to eat, and you’ve probably had the thought of I just I just have to get through this 30 days, and then it’ll be over. That is not helpful, that’s not sustainable. If it’s something that you can’t wait to be done with in 30 days, probably not the best option for you. Because if you struggle with gut issues, the reality is that you’re more susceptible to having gut symptoms in the future if you don’t know how to manage them in a sustainable way, which is why getting to the root cause is so effective, because then you have a toolkit, which that’s step three of the get together method. Step one is assess. Let’s look at all the triggers and the root causes. Step two is address. So let’s actually address this using nutrition, lifestyle, diet recommendations. And then step three is let’s plan for long term relief. So now that we know what your triggers are, we know what your root causes are, what do you need to be doing on a daily, weekly, monthly basis so that you can actually keep and maintain the relief that you have? And so going back to the original question is yes, if you have addressed your root causes, and pending, you don’t have celiac disease, or you don’t have a lactose intolerance, or something along those lines, you should safely be able to reintroduce these foods and be able to tolerate them, unless there’s a bigger issue that’s missing. And we have a method that we teach for how we will introduce these foods. What I will say is I wouldn’t introduce them both at the same time because if you do have some kind of symptom, then you won’t know what’s actually causing the symptom. So you want to be really systematic, you want to go one at a time. And you probably want to go with the easiest to digest first, and then the hardest. So for example, like with dairy, maybe you try lactose free dairy first, like the lactose free yogurt or sour cream or cottage cheese and see if you tolerate that. Give it a couple days have a washout period, then add in a fermented source like kefir, yogurt, etc. See how you do and then maybe you add in just a regular source of dairy so maybe like cheese or ice cream or whatever it might be because then you’re able to know the difference. Okay, I did great with a lactose free. But I didn’t do great with the regular dairy product. So actually, it’s not the dairy, it’s the lactose, so I can enjoy dairy. But the lactose free definitely gives me less symptoms. So there’s ways to know even like what variation of the food you can have. And that’s super empowering long term, because it gives you a lot of a lot more choice and a lot more options, and also gives you the choice of, okay, if I’m at a restaurant, I can just take a lactase enzyme to digest this dairy versus like, I have to be completely dairy free.
Dr. Heather Finley 25:37
Next question is from Hannah. And it’s about exercise. So she was saying, How can low level movement impact your gut versus, like vigorous exercise. So the examples that she provided is like, walking, standing, etc, versus like HIIT training. So what I’ll say here is, this is so individual, like I described earlier, with my own gut health journey, when I was at my worst I was running, I was training for triathlons, I was doing all this crazy, intense exercise, and it was making my symptoms worse, now that I have healed and addressed my root causes, and don’t struggle with digestive issues, like I used to, I can tolerate doing those things. What I’ve actually found is, I don’t actually love doing those things as much anymore. And I found I much prefer to weightlifte and do pilates and walk and occasionally run and you know, do hit training and all of that. But I found a good balance that works for my body. So it all comes down to your stress bucket. We always talk about this with our clients and at different points in your life, your stress bucket is going to be more or less full. Let’s say you just had a baby and you have a newborn and you are waking up throughout the night. And you also have you know, work responsibilities or whatever it might be your stress buckets going to be pretty full. So your tolerance to hit training is probably going to be way less, versus let’s say you’re getting eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, you’re eating plenty, you’re balancing your blood sugar, you’re doing enjoyable things in your life, your job is not stressful, your tolerance to HIIT training is probably going to be a lot higher. And so one of the adaptations that we tend to recommend to our clients when they’re stressed buckets or full is lower intensity exercise like walking, because it helps to reduce that stress bucket, allowing them to actually heal. Because when you’re doing HIIT training or when you’re doing really high intensity exercise, but your body just doesn’t even have the raw material to actually help your muscles recover and re nourish itself afterwards, it can release that you back. And so it may feel like a setback of I can’t do the things that I want to do. But the mindset shift here is this is actually taking a step back to take care of myself so that later I can really enjoy these things. And I’ll get to choose if I want to enjoy these things.
Dr. Heather Finley 28:18
The next question was regarding histamine effects on gut health. So histamine intolerance is definitely something that we see with a lot of our clients. histamines can really impact symptoms, and histamine all comes down to a bucket as well. So just like stress, and you have a stress bucket, you have a histamine bucket. I always like to describe it like a high pollen day, if you’ve ever lived in an area where the pollen was really high that day, and you’re sneezing, your histamine buckets pretty full. And so same thing in our gut, our gut, actually, there’s an enzyme called Tao that is produced in our gut lining, and it helps us to break down histamine. So when you have intestinal permeability, or what a lot of people know as leaky gut, you have a diminished ability to actually break down histamine. As your gut heals as your mucosal barrier regenerates, you will be able to tolerate histamine a lot better. That being said, this helps you know, your overall tolerance of histamine, even from things like fermented foods, you know, the flushing that can come from like alcohol, et cetera. Not saying to that you want to be able to drink alcohol all the time, but if you’re, like very intolerant to it, because it causes lots of flushing, that could definitely be a sign pointing to histamine issues. So if the question is are histamines bad for the gut, the answer is no. What is not helpful is when our gut cannot produce Tao in order to actually break down histamine. And so you want to look out for signs like rashes, sneezing, post nasal drip, intolerance to alcohol or fermented foods, like I mentioned, another one that we see a lot is like intolerance to leftovers. We’ve had several clients where they do great like Monday through Wednesday, and then Thursday and Friday, they feel awful. And it’s because they meal prep, and the food naturally just increases in histamine over time. And so this is a huge trigger for them. So all that to say, there’s ways that you can improve your tolerance to histamine, it all starts with reducing your histamine load and reducing and improving your Dow production. Next question is kind of related to Hannah’s about exercise. And it’s trying, I’m trying to get back in shape. But I have GI issues is drinking Celsius at 6am, before a workout that 100% Yes, if you have GI issues, doing a fasted workout, especially a fasted caffeinated workout is probably not your best option. And, you know, going back to the conversation of stress load, you probably want to consume your caffeine after a balanced meal. And after you maybe consider the stress of your exercise on your gut health. Those two goals can really conflict each other. And we’ve also found that a lot of times when our clients actually scale back on their exercise, their body composition improves because their bodies no longer in a stressed out state. A great resource for this is Shannon. She is a Doctor of Physical Therapy. And she has a program called F low fitness. It’s one that I personally really love. And her podcast, Fit Body happy joints is a really, really great resource. So I’ll just leave that there.
Dr. Heather Finley 32:04
Okay, last question that I’m going to answer is the correlation between skin health and gut health. So we actually just published a blog on this about a week ago. So I will link to it in the show notes. And we share a story about one of our past clients who had eczema. And after working with us in the program was completely Eczema Free, which to be honest, was not like her number one motivation for joining, she had GI issues. That was a secondary benefit that she was very delighted by, she actually even sent us it was last January, she sent us a picture and said, usually my symptoms flare really badly in the winter, and they haven’t flared at all, and she was just so happy about it. But your gut and your skin health are 100% related. And a lot of times whether we’re talking about acne, eczema, psoriasis, whatever it is, it’s really you kind of have to approach it both ways. You have to, you have to approach it by of course addressing the skin, and like what topicals are appropriate for you. But you also have to address it from the inside. Minerals are huge for skin health, you need minerals for collagen production. And so an htm a hair mineral test is often a great place to start when you have skin issues. But you also need to be able to digest fats, essential fatty acids. So we really want to look at are you actually digesting your food. A lot of gallbladder related issues can contribute to like dry skin, itchy skin, etc. When you can’t absorb fat soluble vitamins, that’s going to affect even the appearance of your skin. So that’s one avenue that we want to look at. And then even just underlying dysbiosis can affect your skin health. So that’s where this personalization and some of the testing can be really helpful. There’s a lot we can do even without it by just basic addressing minerals, addressing overall fiber intake, overall digestion. But if you want to get really specific as to some of the drivers, that’s where stool testing can be really, really beneficial as far as just getting to the root cause quicker in addressing some of these things.
Dr. Heather Finley 34:27
So I really hope that today’s episode was helpful. I loved doing this q&a, and I hope you kind of love the variety of topics and just the off the cuff answers. I will 100% do this again. But I’d love for you to just shoot me a DM on Instagram and tell me which questions you loved the most what you love to learning about what was most impactful for you and also just keep in mind that nothing on this episode is medical advice. Please Can So your provider before you try anything new, this is just my own personal experience, research and knowledge on these topics and things that I’ve seen. Now having worked with over 1000 clients in the gut Together program. So please consult your provider if you have questions about anything that I talked about. And then if you’re looking for more support, please reach out we love to support you in the gut Together program, whether that’s in the gut together one on one program, or whether that’s in the gut together membership, and both of the links to those are in the show notes as well. So I’ll catch you next week on the next episode of The Love Your Gut podcast.
As always, please note that this episode or anything discussed on this podcast is not a substitution for medical advice and you should always consult your health practitioner before trying anything new.
Dr. Heather Finley
Thanks so much for tuning in to today’s episode of the love your gut podcast. I have a new quiz that I’m so excited for you to take it is called which popular song describes your gut health issues. So if you’re ready to find out if you’re a slow down by Lenin seller or Don’t Stop Believing by journey in the world of gut health, it’s time to head over to Dr.Heatherfinley.co/quiz to take this new quiz and find out if your gut is rockin and rollin or more of a slow jam. And until next time, remember to love your gut so it will love you back.
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